
La richesse de l’empathie

Se connecter aux autres, partager leurs joies et leurs peines, se mettre à leur place, c’est indispensable au quotidien. Que l’on parle du domaine professionnel ou personnel, l’empathie est une compétence clé.

Mais cette dimension est bien plus complexe qu’on ne pourrait le croire de prime abord. Dans cet épisode du podcast, je vous propose d’explorer la notion d’empathie et d’apprendre à la développer de manière équilibrée.

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Voir les références


  • Colman, A. M. (2015). A dictionary of psychology (Fourth edition). Oxford University Press.
  • Mcdonald, N. M., & Messinger, D. S. (2011). The Development of Empathy : How, When, and Why.
  • Fletcher-Watson, S., & Bird, G. (2020). Autism and empathy : What are the real links? Autism, 24(1), 3-6.
  • Baron-Cohen, S., & Wheelwright, S. (2004). The empathy quotient : An investigation of adults with Asperger syndrome or high functioning autism, and normal sex differences. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34(2), 163 175.
  • Masserman, J. H., Wechkin, S., & Terris, W. (1964). « Altruistic » behavior in rhesus monkeys. American Journal of Psychiatry, 121, 584 585.
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  • Decety, J., & Yoder, K. J. (2016). Empathy and motivation for justice : Cognitive empathy and concern, but not emotional empathy, predict sensitivity to injustice for others. Social Neuroscience, 11(1), 1 14.
  • Decety, J., & Cowell, J. M. (2014). The complex relation between morality and empathy. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 18(7), 337 339.
  • Irving, P., & Dickson, D. (2004). Empathy : Towards a conceptual framework for health professionals. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 17(4), 212 220.
  • Jeffrey, D. (2016). Empathy, sympathy and compassion in healthcare : Is there a problem? Is there a difference? Does it matter? Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 109(12), 446 452.
  • Sinclair, S., Beamer, K., Hack, T. F., McClement, S., Raffin Bouchal, S., Chochinov, H. M., & Hagen, N. A. (2017). Sympathy, empathy, and compassion : A grounded theory study of palliative care patients’ understandings, experiences, and preferences. Palliative Medicine, 31(5), 437 447.
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Empathie positive

  • Morelli, S. A., Lieberman, M. D., & Zaki, J. (2015b). The Emerging Study of Positive Empathy : Positive Empathy. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 9(2), 57 68.
  • Pittinsky, T. L., & Montoya, R. M. (2016). Empathic Joy in Positive Intergroup Relations : Empathic Joy. Journal of Social Issues, 72(3), 511 523.
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  • Andreychik, M. R. (2019). Feeling your joy helps me to bear feeling your pain : Examining associations between empathy for others’ positive versus negative emotions and burnout. Personality and Individual Differences, 137, 147 156.

Test empathie

  • Baron-Cohen, S., & Wheelwright, S. (2004). Baron-Cohen et Wheelwright, 2004. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34(2), 163 175.
  • Mcdonald, N. M., & Messinger, D. S. (2011). The Development of Empathy : How, When, and Why.
  • Decety, J., & Cowell, J. M. (2014). The complex relation between morality and empathy. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 18(7), 337 339.
  • Jeffrey, D. (2016). Empathy, sympathy and compassion in healthcare : Is there a problem? Is there a difference? Does it matter? Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 109(12), 446 452.
  • Decety, J., & Yoder, K. J. (2016). Empathy and motivation for justice : Cognitive empathy and concern, but not emotional empathy, predict sensitivity to injustice for others. Social Neuroscience, 11(1), 1 14.
  • Spreng, R. N., McKinnon*, M. C., Mar, R. A., & Levine, B. (2009). The Toronto Empathy Questionnaire : Scale Development and Initial Validation of a Factor-Analytic Solution to Multiple Empathy Measures. Journal of Personality Assessment, 91(1), 62 71.

Développer l’empathie

  • Baron-Cohen, S., & Wheelwright, S. (2004). Baron-Cohen et Wheelwright, 2004. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34(2), 163 175.
  • Mcdonald, N. M., & Messinger, D. S. (2011). The Development of Empathy : How, When, and Why.
  • Decety, J., & Yoder, K. J. (2016). Empathy and motivation for justice : Cognitive empathy and concern, but not emotional empathy, predict sensitivity to injustice for others. Social Neuroscience, 11(1), 1 14.
  • Decety, J., & Cowell, J. M. (2014). The complex relation between morality and empathy. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 18(7), 337 339.
  • Irving, P., & Dickson, D. (2004). Empathy : Towards a conceptual framework for health professionals. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 17(4), 212 220.
  • Jeffrey, D. (2016). Empathy, sympathy and compassion in healthcare : Is there a problem? Is there a difference? Does it matter? Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 109(12), 446 452.
  • Eyal, T., Steffel, M., & Epley, N. (2018). Research : Perspective-taking doesn’t help you understand what others want. Harvard Business Review.
  • Krznaric, R. (2012). Six Habits of Highly Empathic People. Greater Good Magazine.
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  • Kidd, D. C., & Castano, E. (2013). Reading Literary Fiction Improves Theory of Mind. Science, 342(6156), 377 380.


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Bastien Wagener

Bastien Wagener

Docteur en psychologie, je suis passionné à la fois par le développement personnel, mais aussi par la recherche sur les capacités et potentialités incroyables de l’être humain !
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